Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center faces disability lawsuit

The story is from TheDartmouth and was published on May 23, 2013:

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center’s residency program is facing four lawsuits on the dismissal of residents. Each case involves alleged forms of discrimination or abuse that characterize the insular culture and favoritism that former residents claim permeates the program.

While allegations that medical residents have been subject to disability discrimination are historically rare, new legislation and regulatory guidelines have prompted an increase in such claims.

The Americans with Disabilities Act, federal legislation designed to protect the civil rights of disabled persons in the workplace and in places of public accommodation, was amended in 2008 to broaden its coverage of disabled persons to include those with mental health issues.

Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. This is rediculous. It is like suing because you lost your job as a construction worker because you got paralized from the neck down. Medicine is difficult if you can't take it you shouldn't be doing it. Quit whining and be something that you can handle.


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