Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses

The AHRQ has a book called "Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses." In Chapter 26, we find a chapter titled, "Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses: Role of the Work Environment and Working Conditions."

There's a section that says:

Nevertheless, work stress and burnout remain significant concerns in nursing, affecting both individuals and organizations. For the individual nurse, regardless of whether stress is perceived positively or negatively, the neuroendocrine response yields physiologic reactions that may ultimately contribute to illness.

We often don't think about the impact of stress in our lives. However, if it's going to contribute to illness and possibly even disability, shouldn't we be doing more to control and manage work stress?

You can read chapter 26 here (PDF).


  1. If you feel burned-out, then I think that you should have a break.
    jobs manila

  2. Working in the field of healthcare can certainly be exhausting and stressful. Aside from the irregular work schedules, nurses may be tasked to perform various hospital duties.

  3. Stress management is always important in any field. To be more effective in performing your duties, you one must learn how to handle stress.

  4. If you feel like your stressed out at work then I suggest that you take a break for a while. Thanks.

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  9. This is very great thing you have shared with us. Now I found enough resources by your tips about this issue, Thank you.

  10. Nurses are indeed among the workers that experience too much stress and burnouts. Aside from these psychological discomfort, they are also a great candidate for physical pains like back pain, neck pain and nerve pains. Nurse should have ways to combat these stresses to continue providing therapeutic care to their patients.


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